2 years ago

What grade is a good grade for AP CSP junior year?

Hello! I'm taking AP CSP this year, and was just wondering what grade is a "good grade" for this class at the end of the academic year?

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2 years ago

am currently a Freshman taking AP World, AP Bio, and AP Computer Science Principles. Out of all my AP's, I am the most concerned about AP Bio since, according to what I have heard, it is one of the most challenging AP Classes. I don't really have a problem at understanding the content, and I feel like 5 steps to 5 is kinda goated when it comes to that, but I am concerned about the MCQ's and FRQ's on the exam. I have taken some practice FRQs and they seem really intimidating, and I'm just wondering how to get that 5. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to study for


2 years ago


13% get a socre of 5

20% get a score of 4

37% get a score of 3

19% get a score of 2

9% get a score of 1

I will obviously suggest getting a 5 but a 4 is a pretty solid score for many universities.

2 years ago

am currently a Freshman taking AP World, AP Bio, and AP Computer Science Principles. Out of all my AP's, I am the most concerned about AP Bio since, according to what I have heard, it is one of the most challenging AP Classes. I don't really have a problem at understanding the content, and I feel like 5 steps to 5 is kinda goated when it comes to that, but I am concerned about the MCQ's and FRQ's on the exam. I have taken some practice FRQs and they seem really intimidating, and I'm just wondering how to get that 5. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to study for

2 years ago

am currently a Freshman taking AP World, AP Bio, and AP Computer Science Principles. Out of all my AP's, I am the most concerned about AP Bio since, according to what I have heard, it is one of the most challenging AP Classes. I don't really have a problem at understanding the content, and I feel like 5 steps to 5 is kinda goated when it comes to that, but I am concerned about the MCQ's and FRQ's on the exam. I have taken some practice FRQs and they seem really intimidating, and I'm just wondering how to get that 5. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to study for

2 years ago

am currently a Freshman taking AP World, AP Bio, and AP Computer Science Principles. Out of all my AP's, I am the most concerned about AP Bio since, according to what I have heard, it is one of the most challenging AP Classes. I don't really have a problem at understanding the content, and I feel like 5 steps to 5 is kinda goated when it comes to that, but I am concerned about the MCQ's and FRQ's on the exam. I have taken some practice FRQs and they seem really intimidating, and I'm just wondering how to get that 5. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to study for

2 years ago

am currently a Freshman taking AP World, AP Bio, and AP Computer Science Principles. Out of all my AP's, I am the most concerned about AP Bio since, according to what I have heard, it is one of the most challenging AP Classes. I don't really have a problem at understanding the content, and I feel like 5 steps to 5 is kinda goated when it comes to that, but I am concerned about the MCQ's and FRQ's on the exam. I have taken some practice FRQs and they seem really intimidating, and I'm just wondering how to get that 5. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to study for


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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