3 years ago
School List Suggestions

Safety schools

hey everyone, I was going through my college list and found that I was lacking in safeties. For context, I plan to major in CS and have a very keen interest in math. My list of safeties include Uconn (in-state), Connecticut College, Sacred Heart, Fairfield University, and although not exactly a safety but Vanderbilt (legacy). I visited most of these schools and they all seem like great options but most of them are in CT and I don't really have much info on other safety schools around the country. if anyone is aware of any good safety in their state or has any ideas, it would be very helpful. Any leads are much appreciated.

thank you!

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3 years ago

Have you entered your information into the chancing engine? If so I would then check out https://www.collegevine.com/schools/hub/all/canvas and filter by the things you care about. That should give you a decent list of safety schools for you to start checking out.

I only suggest this because, without knowing more of your stats, it's going to be hard for people to recommend schools for you. What might be a safety for you might not be a safety for someone else and vice versa.

🎤3 years ago

Thank you @ShaquilleOatmeal, I tried the chacing engine but too many schools popped and I never tried filtering them, I will now. Thank you.

3 years ago

No problem. Let me know how it goes and if you're still having trouble finding some more safety schools we can figure it out together.


3 years ago

Just to spit out some schools that I know has fairly strong CS programs that would be safety. As it seems you want to go out of state I’m going to list some in other part of the country but mostly North eastern colleges.

Univ Oregon




Iowa/Iowa St

NC St (AppSt and the various UNC schools like UNC Charlotte are more safer options)

George Mason


Another to keep to keep in mind if Vandy is solely a reach and not a hard reach Penn St should definitely be considered along with Rutgers. PennSt also has upwards of a dozen branch campuses that you can attend for some time then transfer to the main campus.


UMass (Amherst and Lowell)


There’s also dozens and I mean dozens of LACs that may have computer science programs such as Sienna. I’m much more interested in Research schools so I don’t know too many LACs that have a high admit rate.

🎤3 years ago[edited]

thank you @DebaterMAX, I will look into all of these Penn.st and Rutgers are especially good suggestions

3 years ago

I haven’t looked at them extensively but Binghamton Buffalo are also schools that I’m 99% sure has compsci


3 years ago

One of my close friends is going to Major in CS, and he has ASU (Arizona state) as his top school. It is a big safety school, with one of, if not the top CS program in the country, based on what I’ve heard from him

3 years ago

ASU is a great school but I don’t think it’s a top school.

🎤3 years ago

thank you for the suggestion @DylanB!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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