4 years ago
Admissions Advice




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3 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Tell family members and friends to watch it and share it with their friends. And tell their friends to share it with their friends. Maybe ask your school if they could post something about it on their school page or school district page or their social medias to gain attention for it. Other than that there is nothing much you can do.

3 years ago[edited]

I agree that you should share your podcast with the audience on different social media, it's a good way to get more views.

4 years ago

Here are some ideas:

1. You can optimize your podcast for search engines: https://www.searchenginewatch.com/2019/06/03/podcast-seo-tips-101/

2. Share your podcast in relevant FB groups and forums (like Reddit) that allow self-promotion. Don't do this in a way that's blatantly self-promotion though (like "hey guys, please check out my podcast"). I'd recommend joining groups in your niche (like if your podcast is about travel, join a travel FB group). That way, when people ask for podcast recs, you can add your own.

3. Many podcasts are tied to blogs or youtube channels. What tends to happen is a person builds their audience on those platforms, then starts a podcast. If either of those things interest you, you can start those to create additional content for your podcast. For instance, a blog could be nice to have transcripts of your podcasts, and blogs are also easier to grow as there's more established SEO (search engine optimization) strategies.

4. Guest podcasting: look for podcasts in your niche that already have a following, and pitch a "guest podcast." Make sure they accept interviews/guests though, as most people don't love guest requests otherwise (can seem self-serving).

5. Join FB groups for podcasters. It's a great way to network, ask for advice, and also support each other. I'm not familiar with podcasting groups, but in blogging groups at least, there are opportunities to share others' content and get your content shared.

Hope this helps, and best of luck!

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