CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Understanding a 1010 PSAT Score as a Sophomore

I just got my PSAT scores back, and I got a 1010. I'm a sophomore, so I'm wondering if that's a good score, and if not, what can I do to improve by next year's test? Any advice is appreciated!

just now

ACT Writing Section Tips

Hey people! I'm planning to take the ACT soon, and I could really use some tips on how to do well in the writing section. What strategies have worked for you, and what should I focus on to improve my …

just now

WCU admission requirements?

Hey, I am planning to apply to Western Carolina University. Can someone tell me about the admission requirements for WCU, like minimum GPA, test scores, and other important factors?

a minute ago

GPA requirement for Grand Valley State University?

Hi all, I'm a junior right now and I'm considering applying to Grand Valley State University. What's the minimum GPA I should have to be competitive for admission? Any information would be super helpf …

6 minutes ago

How valuable is AICE in college admissions?

I'm enrolled in the AICE program at my high school instead of AP or IB. How do colleges view AICE compared to other programs like AP and IB? What's your experience with the AICE program and college ad …

8 minutes ago

Which colleges have rolling admissions?

I'm currently working on my college list, and I'm trying to find some schools with rolling admissions. Could you guys help me find a list or recommend some colleges? Thanks a bunch!

9 minutes ago

Is a 1050 SAT score good or not?

I recently took the SAT and scored a 1050. Is this score considered good, decent, or bad? I'd like to know how competitive I would be for college admissions with this score. Any input would be greatly …

10 minutes ago

UL Lafayette Acceptance Rate

Hey guys, I'm researching the University of Louisiana at Lafayette as one of my potential college options. Does anyone know the current acceptance rate for this school? Thanks a lot for the help!

11 minutes ago

How does a 1460 PSAT score stand?

So I just got my PSAT scores back and I scored a 1460. I've been trying to find information on how this score compares to others and what it means for my future SAT attempts. Anyone have any info or a …

16 minutes ago

Top schools for writers?

Hey y'all! I'm a junior in high school and love writing. What are the best colleges with strong creative writing or journalism programs? I want to improve my skills and work in the writing industry. T …

17 minutes ago

Johns Hopkins ACT requirements?

Hey, I'm starting the college search journey and I was wondering if anyone knew the ACT score requirements (or range) for Johns Hopkins University? Feeling a bit stressed since JHU is one of my reach …

18 minutes ago

How long does it take to get SAT test results?

Hey guys, I took the SAT recently, and I'm feeling a little bit antsy about getting my scores back. How long does it usually take for SAT Test results to be available once you've taken the exam?

20 minutes ago

Yale Single Choice Early Action—What's the scoop?

I've been researching early action programs, and I came across Yale's 'Single Choice Early Action' (SCEA) program. Can someone explain how this works? Does it mean I can only apply early action to Yal …

20 minutes ago

UMiami ACT scores?

I've been considering the University of Miami (UMiami) as one of my top choices, but I'm a bit unsure about their ACT score requirements. What are the typical ACT scores for accepted students?

23 minutes ago

Strategies for Improving Comprehension Skills?

Hi everyone! I often struggle with understanding and retaining information when reading textbooks or long articles. What strategies would you recommend for improving my comprehension skills? Any sugge …

24 minutes ago

How to come up with a unique college essay idea?

Hey everyone! I'm currently brainstorming ideas for my college essays, but I'm having trouble coming up with something unique and personal. How did you guys find inspiration for your essays and what a …

26 minutes ago

How does a 1400 SAT score stack up?

I got a 1400 on my SAT and I'm wondering where it places me among other test-takers. What percentile does a 1400 place me in?

28 minutes ago

Regents Exams in NY—What Are They?

Hi everyone! I'm going to be moving to New York soon and I heard about Regents exams being a big deal there. Can someone explain what Regents exams are and why they're important? How do they affect my …

30 minutes ago

Indiana Wesleyan acceptance rate?

I recently stumbled upon Indiana Wesleyan, and I'm curious about their acceptance rate. Does anyone have an idea of how competitive it is to get in?

32 minutes ago

How to pursue a career in veterinary medicine?

Hey there, I'm a junior in high school and I'm super passionate about animals! I'm thinking about pursuing a career in veterinary medicine. Can anyone provide advice on the steps to take in high schoo …

33 minutes ago
Displaying questions 1-20 of 52670 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.