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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What colleges can you realistically get into with a 2.0 GPA?

Feeling a bit stressed because my GPA isn't the greatest. It's hovering around a 2.0, and I'm worried about my college options. Does anyone know which colleges might be more forgiving about GPAs and accept students with a 2.0? Any advice would be super appreciated!

5 months ago

Hey there, I can sense you're feeling stressed about this, but it's good that you're reaching out for advice. With a GPA around 2.0, you'll be looking at colleges with more inclusive acceptance policies. Community colleges are an excellent choice as they often have open admissions policies, meaning they accept students regardless of GPA. Additionally, some trade schools and less selective state schools may be flexible with GPA requirements.

Another path to consider is starting at a community college and then transferring to a four-year university. This allows you to prove your academic capabilities by performing well in your college courses, which can heavily influence your acceptance into a university later on. Plus, this can be a cost-effective plan, as community college tuition is typically lower than that of four-year institutions.

Remember, colleges take into account improvements in grades or tough circumstances that might have affected academic performance, so when you're ready to transfer or apply, ensure your applications highlight any upward trends in grades or personal growth. Explore each school's admissions policy for specific details, and talk to an admissions representative to get a clear idea of your chances. Stay encouraged and focused on your goals, and you'll find the right path for you!

5 months ago

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