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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Understanding the 4.0 scale

Hey there! I'm a bit confused about the 4.0 GPA scale. Can someone explain it to me, and how does it work when comparing it to other grading systems, like percentage-based or letter grades?

5 months ago

Hello! Happy to help clarify the 4.0 GPA scale for you. The 4.0 GPA scale is a widely-used grading system in the US, where each letter grade corresponds to a specific numeric value. Here's a basic breakdown:

A = 4.0

B = 3.0

C = 2.0

D = 1.0

F = 0

There might be variations for plus and minus grades (e.g., A- = 3.7, B+ = 3.3). To calculate your overall GPA, you would take the average of these numeric values for all your courses.

When comparing the 4.0 GPA scale to other grading systems, like percentage-based or letter grades, you can use conversion charts to help you find the equivalent GPA values. Keep in mind that these conversions might not be 100% accurate because grading systems can vary by school or country.

For U.S. college admissions, you may be asked to report your GPA out of a 4.0 scale, but if your school uses a different grading system, the admissions office should be able to guide you on how to convert your grades. Good luck!

5 months ago

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