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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Pre-med at HBCUs: Which Schools are the Best?

Hey y'all, as a student deeply invested in a future medical career and passionate about preserving HBCU legacy, what are the top HBCUs for pre-med programs? Any insights on their success rates for med school placements or partnerships with hospitals? I'm trying to weigh my options carefully as I get closer to application season.

5 months ago

Some top HBCUs known for their pre-med programs include Xavier University of Louisiana, Howard University, and Spelman College. Xavier University, in particular, has an impressive success rate for med school placements, often leading the nation in African American medical school admissions. Howard University provides robust medical programs and networking opportunities through its own College of Medicine. Spelman has strong science programs and support systems in place for female students pursuing careers in medicine.

When considering options, look into the specific partnerships schools may have with hospitals and clinics, as these can provide invaluable hands-on experience and research opportunities. It’s also beneficial to reach out to current students or alumni on forums or through the schools’ pre-health advising offices to get a feel for their experiences and the support the programs provide.

Bear in mind that the quality of pre-med advisement, availability of relevant extracurriculars, and opportunities for research or internships will be crucial in building a strong application for medical school. Best of luck as you approach this exciting chapter!

5 months ago

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