I would love a “quit” button because sometimes I accept an essay and something comes up in the middle but I feel bad just letting time run out because then that’s a longer wait for the writer. I feel a “quit” button can help expedite the review process by re-releasing an essay once the reviewer decides to give up, rather than them having to wait for time to run out.
Hi @ThatParrotEnthusiast - I would love to learn more about your idea. In this scenario where you'd be able to "quit" an essay review, would you expect any sort of penalty against the person who "quit"?
That could run into a plagarism concern...
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I don’t believe that would be necessary because they could just let the 1 hour run out which has no penalty (if I remember correctly). So it would be undesirable to punish reviewers for “quitting” because that would actually help re-release the essay for another to claim before time rune out, and thus helps things move faster.