3 years ago
CollegeVine Website Support

OUTDATED Chancing Engine Acceptance Rates deserve an update

Hi, I'm certain that smart people in charge of the benchmark data on the chancing engine have this in the update cue. I think to counterbalance regular "ADMISSIONS CHANCE" range updates, it would be timely and transparent to use the last cycle published acceptance rates from the 2020-2021 admissions cycle. Many of these are outdated. Some would benefit from a 1/10th place decimal because so many schools are now under 10%. For those applying to IVY's, everyone knows what the real rates are. But for other students, it would be very helpful for them to know that schools like BC, Hamilton Macalster, NYU, Colgate, etc are way off.

I also think since the chancing engine is a Predictive Model, it shouldn't be so hard to stub in some Predictive Acceptance rates based on last cycles' acceptance rates. Many of you would agree that rates to the IVYS/ELITES may either stay low or go even lower, while others may stabilize or go higher. Or in lieu of that, just a Green Up, Red Down, or Yellow Stable arrow next to the acceptance rate would suffice as an indicator of CV sentiment.

Amherst - 8% not 13%

Barnard - 10.4% not 14%

Boston College - 18.9% not 28%

Boston University - 18.3% not 22%

Brown - 5.4% not 8%

Colby - 8.1% not 13%

Colgate - 17.2% not 25%

Columbia - 3.7% not 6%

Cornell - 8.6%, not 11%

Dartmouth - 6.2% not 9%

Davidson - 17% not 19%

Duke - 5.8% not 9%

Emory University - 13% not 19%

Georgetown - 11.7% not 15%

Georgia Tech - 17.9% not 22%

Hamilton - 14.1% not 21%

Harvard - 3.4% not 5%

JHU - 6.4% not 11%

Macalester - 31% not 41%

MIT - 4% not 7%

New York Univeristy - 12.8% not 20%

Rice - 9.3% not 11%

Swarthmore - 7.8% not 9%

Tufts - 11% not 15%

University of Notre Dame - 14.6% not 18%

University of Pennsylvania - 5.7% not 8%

University of Virginia - 20.6% not 26%

Vanderbilt - 6.7% not 10%

Vassar - 19% not 25%

Villanova - 25% not 29%

Wellesley 16% not 20%

Washington & Lee - 19% not 21%

Wash U - 13% not 15%

Williams 8% not 13%

Yale - 4.6% not 6%

@unior3 years ago

I also think it needs to update the (25%-75%) SAT scores. I noticed that they were different from that of the CDS uploaded by colleges.

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
3 years ago[edited]

Hey @CameronBameron!

Thanks for your feedback on this! Our chancing team is aware of the new 2020-2021 data and it's in our pipeline to address it. Stay tuned!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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