3 years ago
CollegeVine Website Support

Deliberately unhelpful review

What do I do if someone deliberately left an unhelpful review on my essay? I rated them 1 star and flagged them, but what are they going to do? Because they said really rude stuff about my essay that makes me question my writing skills and submitting this essay.

@serenaaa3 years ago

Hey @PLB444, I got a very negative review today too. It wasn't feedback, but basically full of personal attacks and profanity.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@14PBM3 years ago [edited]

I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same person. It doesn’t seem like they take these cases as seriously. These deliberately rude comments can really ruin how one feels about their college writing process. And like you said they will continue to do it as they are still earning karma while people loose karma, that they put effort in getting, just to be insulted.

@serenaaa3 years ago

Yeah it can crush people's confidence. The negative review was on the first peer review I ever submitted, before any legit person has commented on it. I can only imagine how other people feel when they get terrible insults like that. And I'm not even gonna put the blame on the individual because such people exist which comes as no surprise. The fact that these situations can happen on this platform means College Vine has built a system that allows it to happen, which is their fault.

@Jbean063 years ago

Other than reviewing on a case-by-case basis every essay review ever written, there really is no way to create preventive measures that would be effective beyond what CV has already done. I'm not saying it's ok for people to intentionally and deliberately submit derogatory reviews, but I am saying that the platform is optional, and there are others out there, if perhaps not as useful. I think that CollegeVine has done a good job with the measures that they can take to stop unhelpful reviews.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Thank you for reaching out about this! I'm sorry to hear that you received an unhelpful review and we appreciate you flagging it. Users whose reviews are flagged are not notified of this, however, they are given limited access to the essay review feature to help prevent this from happening again.

We appreciate you reaching out and helping to keep our platform safe. Please feel free to reach out to support@collegevine.com if you have any additional questions.

3 years ago

Receiving a one-star rating on their essay will not only lower their average rating, but they will also not receive the extra 10 karma that they would have gotten for getting a five-star rating. This will hopefully incentivize them to give a better review next time. Keep in mind that there are trolls that will intentionally make life hard for people. I'm sorry that you had a bad experience, but there is nothing else you can do at the moment. Good luck, hope this helps.

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