3 years ago
Harvard prospective students

Since I come from a small town, can I still get accepted to Harvard?

I am going to be going into 10th grade. I love doing band and choir. I am 5th top of my classes and last year i got mostly A's besides 1 B. I am on the school newspaper hoping to become editor and am on the view all team. I do swim team during the summer for fun. I hope to be on honor society this year. I also do girl scouts and am working on my gold award. My school only offers 2 ap classes plus calculus which hardly anyone gets into. My cousin graduated from Harvard this past year and my other cousin goes to Duke. I am scared with not having the chace of taking many ap classes that my chances of getting into Havard are bad.


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1 answer

3 years ago

You can definitely get into Harvard coming from a small town! Basically, it doesn't matter what exact classes your school offers, so long as you are taking the most difficult courseload available to you. If your school only offers 2 AP classes, make sure you're taking both of them, and also make sure your high school guidance counselor explains in your school report that you took all the APs available to you. (You can also include this information in your Common App "Additional Information" section if you're worried.) That said, if your school offers a dual enrollment program with a local community college, this would be another good way to fill up your schedule with college-level courses.

If your school doesn't have IB, dual enrollment, AICE, or other AP options, you can always consider self-studying AP exams and/or taking online classes like those offered through Coursera or EdX. However, these do not look as impressive to admissions officers as the courses you take that factor into your GPA. So long as you are taking the most challenging courseload you can and doing very well, you should have a chance at Harvard and other super competitive schools!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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