3 years ago
Harvard prospective students

Submit additional materials after deferral


I was deferred from Harvard. I am very excited about this, cause not being rejected is a big event for me, so I'm extremely grateful.

And I want to submit an update (major), but I don't understand how I should do it. Do I need to submit a Document to their Student Portal with "Hey, I've done this"? I didn't find any rules about it.

Also, I want to set an update for the whole ECs section, cause I've made some stupid typos I didn't notice. How can I do that? Or even can I?

@BorisS3 years ago

A lot of people got deferrals this year. I wonder why.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@dechmarina3 years ago

There is an 80% chance to be deferred, it's not surprising. It's nearly as difficult to be accepted as it is to be rejected during REA:D.

@BorisS3 years ago

why? do they like re-reading applications twice?

[🎤 AUTHOR]@dechmarina3 years ago

I don't really know :D it's just statistics. I guess they want to be cautious.

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Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hi, I got deferred too. Yes, you have to use the applicant portal for any updates and updates from schools etc should directly be sent by the school itself through the common app. They have explained all of this in the deferral letter itself. Check the last para for it. If you have only made typos in the ecs section, just send an email to the FAS fileroom. That's what I did, and they responded too. All the best! You got this

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