2 years ago
Harvard prospective students

Could I still get into harvard with a C?

I am a 10th grader and my first semester just finished. However, I ended it with a C in Honors Algebra 2 and 3 B's in AP Euro, Spanish 3, and AP Computer Science. To make matters worse I ended freshman year with 3 B's. I think next semester I may have a better chance because I have finally a proper grasp of what I am doing. Before I was having challenges getting accustomed to school online then back in person. I was thinking to apply to Harvard for something in STEM especially in science, but I don't know if I should start reconsidering?

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@theundead.5 months ago

It's ok.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

@Anonymous8, unfortunately, it's pretty unlikely that you will pass the academic threshold and even have the rest of your application considered at Harvard if your unweighted GPA is under a 3.8. Obviously, if you were to receive all As from now on, raising your sophomore year grades significantly and acing your junior and senior years, admissions officers would be impressed by this upward trajectory. I'm not sure if that will be possible, of course. That said, I wouldn't assume you can't get a terrific STEM education just because your GPA is a little low for Harvard! There are so many other schools with excellent programs that aren't quite so picky with the GPAs of accepted students. If you want to see your chances of acceptance at different schools, make sure to make use of our chancing engine by filling out your profile and building a school list in the "Schools" tab above. Best of luck.

5 months ago

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2 years ago

Your chances of getting into Harvard are zero.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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