2 years ago
Harvard prospective students

Will getting a B make it harder to get into a top 10 school?

I am a sophomore and have gotten a B in both semesters of AP Calc BC. My GPA weighted is about 4.7. I got a 1550 SAT, and I started a clothing line (a couple thousand in sales), charity initiative (a little over 100 members), will be on Varsity tennis all four years, have won a few writing contests, and am currently working on a short book. There is more but that is the strongest few. I think I am a really strong applicant but when I look at the chances of getting into a school like Harvard it makes me so discouraged because I feel like its impossible no matter how hard I work, so getting a B this year really felt like a purge of the last bit of hope in me. (Side Note: I have been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and anxiety, should I mention this in my essays or hide it)

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

A B will make it harder to get into top schools like Harvard, but it certainly won't make it impossible! I'd be curious what your unweighted GPA is and how many APs/IB/honors/etc. courses you've taken (a weighted GPA doesn't really mean much in college admissions). As long as you have roughly a 3.8 or higher unweighted GPA, you should at least be considered. Your extracurriculars sound quite impressive! Of course, if you'd like your personalized chances of acceptance at Harvard you should make use of our chancing engine! Just fill out your profile above and build out a school list under the "Schools" tab.

Regarding your diagnosis, you could definitely decide to talk about it either in an essay or in the Additional Information section of the CommonApp. If you feel that it negatively impacted your academic performance in some way, it definitely might be good to discuss it. However, if it didn't have much of an impact on you academically, it would also be fine to leave it out. If you do choose to mention it, just make sure you talk about it in a way that shows AOs that you are responsible and managing the condition to the best of your abilities.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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