2 years ago
Harvard prospective students

Depression grade drop

I have been such a try hard in school since elementary. I stared high school this year and my life has gone to hell. I became really depressed since the beginning of the school year. My grades have suffered drastically from my mental health being absolute garbage. I'm taking 4 honors classes. Introduction to chemistry and physics is one I just can't understand. I spend most of my time studying but don't get it. My grade is a C for the semester and it is the lowest grade I have ever gotten. My grade for honors algebra 2 is a B These grades are horribly low. The rest of the grades I have are A's. Do you think admissions will show mercy on me if I add some of the stuff that happened freshmen year? I really want to get into a good school.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I think schools prioritize positive growth as you go through school, you just started, so even if your freshman year you average 3.5 instead of a 4.0, you can still make up for it. If you get those grades up and take rigorous classes (9-12 AP Classes at least if you're thinking about Harvard) your grades shouldn't hold you back.

a year ago

There is a section in the common app where you can explain special circumstances you had. So you can use that part to explain the reason behind bad grades. But you do have to show self-development not necessarily in your grades. You can shine in other things you like to do and show your passion. Depression makes you struggle with motivation, but this isn't the end for you. If you can you should get professional help. If you can't read online and educate yourself and try to make changes that can help you. And try not and take classes that you don't like for now. Till you get used to high school. Leave the less interesting classes to when you have more experience in dealing with the high school load. And don't forget to do activities you like. You need to prevent yourself from getting burnt out. Because if you pressure yourself too much you will end up not being able to do anything.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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