• 3 years ago •

Welcome to the Juniors community 🎉

This is a place to learn how other juniors are talking about college admissions.

There are a few easy ways to participate:

1. Get started by checking out our guidance page for juniors. Here you will find blog posts, upcoming livestreams, and videos to help you navigate the admissions process: https://www.collegevine.com/guidance

2. Create a new post — Create a discussion post to talk about college admissions, share tips, or ask for suggestions. Create a question post if you're looking for specific advice.

3. Help others by answering questions or joining a discussion.

You can reply to this post to say hello or share your thoughts!

You can earn an 🚀 Above and Beyond award if the original poster thinks your reply takes the conversation to the next level!
• 3 years ago

As then juniors are now rising seniors is there a new chat to join or will it just be renamed?

• 3 years ago

Great question @DebaterMAX! We haven't made a decision on what we're going to do quite yet. We like the idea of grade specific communities on paper but haven't quite come up with a way to make them work as well as we would like. Once we decide on how to proceed we'll let you know!

• 3 years ago

Maybe relabel the communities to Class of Insert grad year?

• 3 years ago

Yep, that is something we have considered! Here's something to think about: what would you post in a grade specific community that you WOULDN'T post in Admissions Advice or another one of our Communities? Or another way to think about it is: are there specific things you think a grade specific community could answer for you/do better than our current Communities?

• 3 years ago

What courses to take. And school stuff that indirectly impacts admission. And mental health related stuff and time management but I do fully understand the limited scope.

• 2 years ago

I'm a senior but I cannot seem to be able to join the senior group. My only option is to stay in the junior group.


• 6 months ago

Hey! I have a strong SAT score and a strong weighted GPA but my unweighted is quite lower since I am taking a mostly AP schedule. Is that going to be a large negative in the eyes of the admission officers?

• 3 months ago

This is a good point. Similar for me, my weighted GPA is much higher due to APs but my unweighted isn't the greatest.


• 3 years ago

i want welcome ail of my students and families, i am so

glad that are here and it going to a great year happy start of the and to of the school year i m exciited to see all your

faces again learn new things and of course have some



• 11 months ago

I do a lot of extracurriculars but my GPA dropped this past year due to my attendance, besides my current AP classes what can I do to get it back up?


• 3 months ago

Thank you for having this space for us. It is so needed and makes things easier.


• 7 months ago



• 11 months ago

Hey, I need some help. Im graduating a year early, and I want to add that to my account so that it can weigh in with everything else, and I don't know how.

• 9 months ago

Hi @I.B.King, I do not see a place in the profile to add that, but you can edit what year and semester you will begin college. It may categorize you as an older student (not a junior, perhaps a senior) but that seems like the only way to add that in. Hope this helps!

• 2 months ago

Hi thank your for the reply but it's no longer an issue. I moved schools and infact am in another state. so I decided to take another year in order to avoid out of state tuition

• 2 months ago

Okay, sounds good!


• 2 years ago

i'm a junior in high school. I have a 4.0 gpa, havent taken the SAT yet. I dont do any extracurriculars. I want to do well on my SAT which is soon. How do I prepare for SAT?

• 2 years ago

I mainly prepared using Khan Academy, which was able to give me personalized practice based on my past performances on standardized tests like the PSAT. I liked using Khan because it gave me a study schedule that I was motivated to follow, and also used actual questions from past SATs, so I knew I was getting quality practice. However, Khan Academy only really gives practice, and doesn't have many strategies to succeed on the SAT. To find more strategies, I signed up for hackingtheact.com and bought their SAT course, where I studied the strategies they gave. I also bought a few practice books from Princeton Review to get more practice tests and prepare myself better. Hope this helps! Good luck on your SAT!

• 2 years ago

Khan Academy was a life saverrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

• 9 months ago

I think the best way to study is first take an official practice test on Khan. Other tests, like Princeton, are good, but made based on observations and research. The Khan tests are "retired" SATs from past years. Take one and evaluate your results. Hone in on your weak areas and then study up. You can use Khan videos or other resources. Make a study plan with goals on Khan and stick to it. Take practice tests periodically to evaluate your improvements and other areas of weakness. ALWAYS learn from your mistakes and practice similar problems! Hope this helps. Anyone can ace it, you just have to choose to be diligent and fight it out!


• 7 days ago

Is there a chat for rising juniors?


• 3 months ago

If I'm a 3 year grad, but I'm considered a Sophomore right now and a senior next year, would I still be able to use this junior community.


• 7 months ago

@CollegeVineSupport Can you please add grand canyon university to your database? I am trying to use the college list to manage all of my applications and that is the only one not on here. Also would it be possible to add a defered status in the dropdown status options for each school in the my college list section? That would be very helpful for me, and probably some others. Thanks!


• 8 months ago

Is there anyway you could add a feature that allowed users to save a comment posted from another user? If there is already a feature like this please let me know how to use it


• 11 months ago

What are the best classes to take in high school to be on a path to becoming a Registered Nurse?


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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To keep this community safe and supportive:

  1. Be kind and respectful!
  2. Keep posts relevant to college admissions and high school.
  3. Don’t ask “chance-me” questions. Use CollegeVine’s chancing instead!

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