3 years ago

recommendation letters

I'm currently a junior but over the years I haven't built a strong enough connection with my teachers to ask them for recommendation letters. What do I do?

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3 years ago

Incoming junior here in high school! ALWAYS participate and raise your hand in all of your classes. I cannot stress this enough even though it may be annoying. However, your teachers can see how vibrant and passionate you are. However, try not to be too much of a teacher's pet because they'll notice you're trying too hard. Just come off as if you are their best friend when you talk don't sound brain dead or like you just woke up. Talk as like I said they are your friend. Be comfortable, enthusiastic, participate, and ask good questions! SHOW EFFORT too! This is from my personal experience as I have received Dean's List from my math teacher and compliments from my other teachers. (Optional: Ask them how they are doing or check up on what is going on in their life. For example, one of my teachers is expecting a baby very soon. I check up on him and ask how him and his wife are doing occasionally.) Hopefully, this helped! :)

"Failure is not the opposite of success - it's part of success." Arianna Huffington.


3 years ago

Don't worry about recommendation letters any teacher you know can write it even a teacher from your junior high. As long as you have a good connection with them for them to write you a letter you will be fine. Good Luck!!!!


3 years ago

Ask the teachers who know you best as a student/you participated in their class the most.


3 years ago

Find a teacher that you feel connected to more and start building up a connection over the summer whether by email, phone call, or Zoom. This way they get a sense of your personality, who you are, and get to write a great letter of recommendation for you. Hope this helps!


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