3 years ago

College Personal Essay

I have a great idea for my essay but when it comes to my peers asking me what it is, I feel obligated to tell tem. Is it best if I don't tell them so that I can have my own personal ideas?

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3 years ago

It's a personal essay just say it's personal you don't wanna talk about it. I feel like if you are concerned that they'll steal your topic it's not something you should actually be concerned about because most peoples lives are different unless you come from a very well-off family. It's not necessary to talk to other people about your college essays. But I would say that you should get over the fear that they're going to copy you if that is what you're addressing because they could be an extremely useful source of help when it comes to revising your college essays.


3 years ago

This shouldn’t be a problem, if you take this one tip into account: hypothetically, if you were to drop your essay on the ground (without your name on it), people should be able to know exactly who it belongs to. With that in mind, the personal essay is about you as a person authentically. The college will be able to tell if someone is writing something that isn’t authentic


3 years ago

If it’s personal and you do not feel comfortable telling your peers that’s okay however I feel it’s good to talk to other people about your ideas. It can help you and others write their essays and get ideas.


3 years ago

The thing about a great essay is that what makes it great is its relation to you. If you don't want to talk about it that is completely up to you. Unless you know someone takes inspiration from others to far there is nothing wrong with discussing it and bouncing ideas off each other. They might think of something you missed to add or a different view that could add to it. The same with you to them. Again unless you have e solid reason to feel they would take your ideas to do less work I would be open about it to see what you could learn.


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