3 years ago

recommendation letters

when should we ask for recommendation letters and how do they work? do teachers give them to you or send them straight to the colleges you're applying to?

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3 years ago

You should ask in junior year. This is because they will be the last teachers that have you for a full year since you apply fall senior year. You should ask teachers you got along with well/know you well and ones you did great in their class. Also selective schools will usually ask for at least one from a core subject.

Teachers send them themselves. You aren't allowed to read what is in them. It is very important you ask teachers that only have good things to say about you.

🎤3 years ago

my junior year is over so should i email them now even though it's summer or wait for senior year to start because the teacher i am planning to ask i will also have next year.

3 years ago

If you still have that teacher you could ask once the summer is over but make sure to ask early. At least 2 weeks before you need the letter is the minimum time required for them to write a good letter. Also make sure you ask at least two or three people just in case. From when my friend was going to apply to brown in total she ended up needing about 5 including ones from family. Ask they teacher you know for sure and a couple of others as backup. Say something along the lines of Hello Blank I'm not sure how many letters of recommendation I will need but could I add you as a reference if I need some? That way you won't give them the impression you 100% need one so they write it but then turn out you don't need it.


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