i don't know what to write my essay about.
i was thinking about writing it about like idk how i used to be very dependant on friends but then how i learned that i am enough and i don't need other people telling me how to live my life. basically like how i learned to stop doing things for others and doing things for myself.
but idk i feel like that not rlly a good topic.
opinions on the topic or suggestions for a better one?
I think that's a great theme to base your essay off of, just make sure that you have examples to go along with it. Make it personal to you!! That's super important, especially with your theme because you want to come off as a unique, independent individual--who accepts themselves in all their uniqueness. So just think of what makes you unique, and why--start making a list of random things that define you, don't even worry if they're relevant or not, and then go back next to each thing in your list and write who you USED to be before you found that aspect of your personality. This highlights the change you underwent and will get the ideas flowing for stories that you could include in your essay, or maybe one "climax" moment that would tie your essay together. Little things or big things can both work, as long as they demonstrate HOW you've changed--that's important, you've got to not only tell them what happened, but show HOW/WHY it happened--they want to go on your journey with you--even if you feel like you don't have an interesting "story" to tell, you do! Think of what you've experienced compared to what someone else has experienced, and find what makes yours different. And write about it. The more specific you are, the better, make it so that nobody else in the entire world could've honestly written the same thing. Basically what I'm trying to say is that yes, you can write your essay about this, (and I think it's a great topic) but it's the uniqueness of the experiences, not necessarily the essay topic, that will make a good essay. If you're stuck on this, just try it in reverse--think of that list and the random experiences that make you you, and THEN find a way that you can link them together into an essay topic. Hope this helps! :)
For anything you write, make sure to intellectualize it. If you want to major in philosophy, talk about how your independancy is related to a term. If you want to major in history, tie your story to history. Whatever you do, intellectualize it.
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