3 years ago


i can't seem to get a good score on the SAT. i've tried everything. do u guys have any tips to help get me a 1400?

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3 years ago

I definitely have some! First, it would help to know how you're currently studying/practicing for the SAT so I can make sure the tips are relevant. Second, are there particular things you are finding difficult? Examples might be running out of time, a certain section, certain topic, etc.

🎤3 years ago

i took a course and did some practice tests. honestly the math is really hard for me and so is english but i’m worse at math

3 years ago

Ok, do you have more practice tests and sections you can use? It's good that you know which areas you need to work on but not it's time to figure out what topics for those subjects you need to work on. Knowing that you need specific work on systems of equations for math or pronouns and agreement for english will help you spend your time more wisely. Sites like khanacademy can help break down the different topics in each section but there are also test prep books which do too.

So what I usually recommend for this is to get a journal or make a spreadsheet to begin tracking the questions you get wrong. Keep this in mind when practicing: 1) for questions where you're 95-100% confident you should star. 2) for questions where you're unsure of the answer you should square. 3) for questions where you take a long time/don't know the answer/don't know how to approach you should put a circle around it.

You learn a lot when you do this. 1) You learn if the questions you're confident about (starred) are being answered correctly. If not, we'd need to figure out why you feel confident but are getting them wrong. 2) We learn how many questions you're unsure about. This is important because uncertainty can be a time killer which is bad for tests, we learn some areas of growth for you to practice, and we learn how likely you are to get a question you're unsure about right. 3) Any questions you circle will help us narrow down the concepts you'll need to brush up on. It's helpful to know which subjects will need the most practice but we're going to go deeper than that.

Now we get into the nitty-gritty (this is easier with kahnacademy or test prep books). You're going to write down the specific concepts for each question you were unsure about or got wrong. Feel free to do it for questions you got right too but it's not as necessary. So now instead of "oh, I went 9/15 on math I guess I should practice that" you'll be able to say "I went 9/15 on math. Of the 6 questions I got wrong 2/6 were inequalities, 3/6 were system of equations, and 1/6 was quadratics." You'll have questions which fit multiple topics too. A system of equations question can involve inequalities, a quadratics question can come as a word problem, you get the idea. As you fill up your notebook over time you will get a very clear picture on the areas where you can grow. Not only that but you are also going to write down WHY you got the question wrong. Was it because you guessed? Because you didn't know the concept? Careless error? So now you're going to know the exact concepts you're getting wrong AND the most common reasons why you're getting them wrong. This helps you pinpoint a lot better where you should spend your time studying.

So once you know which topics are giving you the most difficulty you can spend time brushing up on them. I would make sure to brush up on the concepts both normally and in the context of the SAT. Khanacademy will work for this too.

Hope this helps and happy to answer any other questions!

🎤3 years ago

wow thank u sm!! i’ll give all that a try!


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