Hello! This is Beth here ! I am currently in the 11th standard studying computer science. From my early childhood i have been learning classical dance and music, and am also good at painting and stuff. But i am quite confused about what ec's or internships i could do that could a help in getting admission to the ivy league colleges! So would like to get some suggestion regarding sites that could help me.
PS: I am aiming for computer science engineering or something related to architecture and stuff.
Here are some ECs for people interested in computer science: https://blog.collegevine.com/extracurriculars-for-aspiring-computer-science-majors/.
I'd recommend reading through this to learn a bit more about architecture. If you really want to study it in college then you might want to start working on a portfolio so you have enough to include if needed by the time you apply. https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-become-an-architect-steps-to-take-from-high-school/
In addition to that you should stick with the classical dance and music, especially if you do competitions or perform and things like that. Hope this helps and let me know if you have questions!
Thanks a lot ! This was really a lot of help
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