I know some schools like Yale do restrictive early action which is still non-binding. What are the restrictions in applying to schools like that. Can I still apply to other early action schools if I apply to one restrictive early action school? Is it allowed to apply to another restrictive early action school after you applied to one?
Great questions! If you apply Restrictive Early Action you can only apply to a single private school for the early rounds. You can still apply to public schools early action if you choose to do so.
Here's an awesome article which covers this in more detail: https://blog.collegevine.com/what-is-restrictive-early-action-when-applying-to-college
REA means you can only apply REA to that school and no other private schools. Basically, applying REA to a T10 means you can't apply any type of EA to any other T10s, unless they are a public school. EA means you can apply EA to any school regardless of public/private status of the school, as long as you don't apply ED or REA.
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