3 years ago

How do I ask for letter of recommendations before summer of senior year?

I am starting to plan out my college applications and I didn't want to be too overwhelmed with the college applications during the fall, so I wanted to ask my teachers for a recommendation letter before summer. I already have some teachers in mind that I did well in their class as well as participating to ask. I don't know how to ask them for these letters, like what deadline should I say I need the letters before. Should I look at different schools and then determine a deadline for the letters from the schools before then? In the letter, I wanted to say, "Would you be able to write a letter of recommendation for me over the summer?" Is that a good way to ask them, if I know that I have a long time until I start officially with the college apps?


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

What I did was ask sometime mid second semester of junior year. I asked if it was okay to ask for one in senior year when I apply and they said yes. I think asking sometime now is a good idea. My counselor said to ask officially you could say for them later at least two weeks before you need them. That way they have time to write a good letter for you that is not rushed. Also if you ask early they will keep it in mind if others ask them later so yours will be first, also I don't know if there is a rule regarding how many a teacher can write so I would ask early.

Sorry if that doesn't make sense. In conclusion, ask early.

3 years ago

I would first see what the deadlines are for each school and then ask for letters of recommendation at least a few weeks before the deadline.

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