3 years ago

Thoughts on these AP classes?

-AP World History

-AP Calculus

-AP Language and Composition

-AP Psychology

-AP Physics

I'm planning on taking most of these for my Junior year, but I'm still trying to decide on some, and I want to know what I'm getting myself into. So what are your thoughts??

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3 years ago[edited]

I can only speak about AP Calc and Physics (as a rising senior, I only took these courses from the list here so far).

AP Calculus BC: my math teacher was incredible and the tests were very similarly structured to the AP, so it was as if the real AP Exam was just another class test covering all the material. I am a math person, so I obviously loved this class, but it's also fun because you really get into the theory of some formulas (for example, really understanding the comparison between integrals and series). Also, graphs are heavily used in this course, so if you are a visual learner, this a great class to take.

Tip: the AP exam questions are extremely similar year to year (I literally guessed the topics for 4/6 frq problems based on previous years tests) , so I would suggest taking the month leading up to the exam just practicing previous years' problems.

Obviously, it is also dependent on the teacher you have, but with the number of online resources and practice, this is a solid class.

AP Physics: I am not sure about which class in particular you are talking about, so I'll just mention both

I took AP Physics 1 freshman year: overall content is easy (teacher wasn't that great, so it was an easy class) and it is very very conceptual-heavy. I wasn't prepared at all for the AP Exam as the teacher hadn't prepared the class at all, and the AP Physics 1 Exam is supposedly the hardest AP Exam of all exams. I would say its a very fun class with great labs and models, just be ready for the AP Exam.

I took AP Physics C Mechanics and E/M junior year: this is split into two parts - mechanics and electricity/magnetism. The Mechanics half was just a repeat of Physics 1 with insanely easy calculus (simple derivative and integration rules) and the AP Exam was decent, just practice a ton. Also, there is a huge emphasis on rotational motion and new theorems like the Parallel-Axis Theorem and deriving moment of inertias.

For the E/M portion, it was a lot of information to learn and practice in half a year (my class was slow and we were still learning new material the day before the exam), but was a fun class as there were many experiments and labs to do. Overall I would say its a hard class but fun if you like learning the concept behind theorems and formulas.

🎤3 years ago

Thanks for your help!!


3 years ago

As A rising senior, I can speak on AP Calc AB and AP Physics C. At my school, we did them in a semester system last year due to covid, so that pace was intense. AP Calc, at least at my school, was much less structured as an AP class than a regular math class, just with much harder content. Physics had a stronger AP structure. One thing around physics FRQ is that you get a lot of points just for attempting the problem. I also REALLy struggled in Physics and went from failing to an A+ by working with my teacher. It can be hard with all new information, so perseverance pays off.


3 years ago

Hi @olivia_05

I believe these are very good classes advice is that for these classes just pay attention and work hard as I have taken them either this year or the year before that except AP Calculus since I just finished junior year and am a rising senior. Like I said before, work hard and be fine as AP World History, AP Lang and AP Psych were relatively easy as long as you keep up with the class. But for AP Physics since I have taken this it is very difficult as the courseload is too many and also the teacher makes a difference since my teacher was a care free where he didn't care about quality teaching instead just going through the material and not helping students in office hours. Just make sure you ask questions as the semester continues the content gets more complex. As for AP Calculus based on what I heard its based on how well you do in Math as well as in the type as there is AB and BC. It is very hard but if you study enough and practice you'll do excellent. Good Luck!!!

🎤3 years ago

Thank you!!

3 years ago

No problem


3 years ago

I took AP World History this past year and overall, there isn't too much to worry about. My teacher assigned us a lot of homework, but I can't say the same for other schools. I think as long as you remember a few big concepts/big ideas along with the key potent facts/events that occurred, you'll do fine in the course and the exam! I highly recommend practicing speed reading for the stimulus based portions of the exam; it will come into handy. Also just doing a whole ton of practice DBQ's, SAQ's, and LEQ's will prep you for success on the exam.


3 years ago

Look at the credit colleges you are interested in offer for those AP tests.

I really enjoyed AP World History. My older sisters really enjoyed their AP Calculus classes. If you attended my high school, I would recommend NOT taking AP Physics (most students from my high school fail it).


3 years ago

I loved psych, it is important to look at the textbook, but this can be managed more easily by looking at the vocab every week. For each unit my teacher gave us a list of terms to define and study. We would look these over and the class was not as much work as anticipated. The workload was actually pretty light, and our teacher structured each test like sections of the AP exam. The FRQs are pretty easy as well, because you just need to recognize the terms and associate them.


🎤3 years ago

Oh, and also, those of you that have already taken these classes, how did you like them? (or dislike them, ha.)

3 years ago

I took AP Psych last year and honestly, it wasn't that hard and for me, really interesting.


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