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4 years ago

If I take a college level class in hs after junior year, will it be shown in my college applications?

Like when do college applications/the process of that start?

I hear a lot of my family friends say that I should have taken college-level classes. Technically, aren't AP classes college-level classes? I am taking them junior year so...

What's the difference between AP classes and typical college-level classes in the summer?

I also hear a lot of rumors that if you take any clubs senior year or something instead of junior year(people say that junior year is the latest to do extracurricular things), it won't show on college applications and pretty much be a waste.

Please, let me know.

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4 years ago

Hi! I'm currently a rising senior in high school. Prior to when college applications opens, many students spend time starting to write their personal essay and getting teacher recommendations in the summer after junior year. This is to kind of make the process a little easier when time comes. The college process officially starts when the Common App, Coalition, and other admission application opens. Usually that will be August 1st, so currently all these applications are open allowing student to apply for college.

AP courses are similar to college level courses. There usually is a minimal difference between the difficulties of college courses and AP courses. The only big difference is the credits. Some college will only accept AP credits if you get a certain score on the AP Test ( 3,4, or 5). For college courses, it depend on which college you want to transfer the credits to. Some might take it while some might not. For the case of dual enrollment at a community college, these credits would more likely be accepted at a school in the same state than others.

Here's a link that explains ECs:

As for clubs, you input what activities you want colleges to see. So you choose whether or not you want a certain activity to be shown on your application. On the Common App, you can input 10 things. I would definitely start finding things you enjoy to get involved in prior to your senior year, but it's never too late. Keep in mind ECs don't only mean the typical clubs like Key Club or NHS, they could include a job or taking care of siblings.

Here's a link that explains ECs:


4 years ago

You usually start applying to colleges in the summer after junior year and before senior year. But your AP records are usually sent to colleges after you've been accepted so AP classes that you take in your senior year will still be beneficial in gaining college credit. In general, however, colleges tend not to look at the AP classes you took when deciding admissions.


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