I just scored a 1130 on the SAT... I have never been so sad. How do I get better bc I want to go to Stony Brook....??
Hey! I would recommend also taking the ACT, because people usually like one over the other. But for both of these tests, the most important thing to do is to watch videos on YouTube and do practice questions. I took the ACT and not the SAT, but I struggled in the science section (I assume the ACT and SAT have similar set ups) and through videos and a workbook I discovered that it's important to only look at graphs and skip reading. On almost every section (especially math) do the questions that you know/are quickest and go back to the harder/longer ones later. Also, I know test prep books are expensive, but I found an AC T prep book at Goodwill, so if you want to get one for cheap maybe look at a thrift store. Hope this helps!
Test Prep on Khan Academy or buying test prep books on amazon is really helpful. I would also recommend taking a lot of practice tests to gauge where you are.
The best ways are to use the Khan Academy SAT Prep and to also consider ordering the Official SAT Study Guide from College Board. Another thing that helps is to remember that most people have to retake their SAT in order to get the score they want so you're not alone.
Looking for secondhand SAT prep books is a great start - it's more cost-effective to get them secondhand. Another thing to do is watch videos or read as much online material as you can, from professionals and from people who have recently taken it and scored well (youtube and other social media are great resources for the latter), and then after you've read and watched as much as your brain can handle I'd suggest taking practice tests if you can find them. Remember to not overwhelm yourself and give yourself reasonable breaks and study times!
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