3 years ago

AP Chem difficulty?

Hey all,

I know a few people taking AP Chem and I get mixed opinions from them with one group saying that it is horribly hard and with the other saying that it is interesting and easy if you have an interest for it and are willing to put in the effort. Personally, I am interested in taking that class next year and I really like Chem.

Is any of you taking that class?

And if you are, how do you feel about it and how should one prepare for it?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago


I took AP Chemistry last year. You definitely need to spend at least an hour reviewing the concepts taught in class. If you're clueless in class, ASK your teacher. That was one of the biggest mistakes I made last year. I was too shy to ask questions to my teacher. But asking any question, whether it be a small one, will help you in the long. I personally, read through my textbook and did the practice on it. I also recommend watching Khan Academy and Crash Course videos. Make a schedule and follow it; you'll definitely succeed. Also, another weird thing that I did was teach the concepts to myself. I would talk to myself, but in the end, I learned many things.

Hope this helps!

3 years ago

I'm not taking it but I've taken AP Physics and many of my friends have taken AP Chemistry. From what I know, its a lot of memorization and menial work, so if you put in the time you'll do great. The concepts aren't too challenging like Physics, you just need to actually care about the class. I wouldn't say it's easy (that's like AP ES), but it's not the hardest AP either. Probably like 75th percentile. I know I cant advertise, so I recommend you google yourself "AP chem or AP class communities" and there are some great ones online (I use discord a lot). I'm sure they can answer your questions really well.

3 years ago

I took AP Chem my sophomore year with many of my close friends and we all struggled with it since we had never taken a Chem class before. However, the other students in the class that had previously taken Chem had no issues. So I think as long as you have the background knowledge then you should be fine.

I think the best way to prepare for AP Chem is to just brush up of Chem basics before you start.

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