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3 years ago

How much SAT prep should I take?

I took the SAT last year in the spring even though most people wait until junior year, just to see what it was like. I scored 1010. Some of the schools I will be applying to include Stanford, Berkley, and Davis. I know I will need a much higher SAT score. I'm planning on taking an SAT prep course. Should I take a prep course and then take the SAT and then another prep course? I didn't study very much at all the first time I took the SATs because I just wanted to see what they are like since it has been awhile since I took it the first time, I am confident my score will improve especially with a prep course. Any other advice on how to improve an SAT score is very much appreciated.

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

As an international student who has to struggle with the SAT a lot, I have a few books for you.

First, Erica's books, both grammar and reading, are super great for me. I really have to thank her for her grammar book. Second, Panda SAT Math is a super good book to prep you from foundation levels to advanced SAT hard questions.

Also, I would recommend Khan Academy. Do it every day, but don't burn yourself out. Depending on your test date, if it is in a very short time, I would say just do the Panda books + Khan everyday until the test day. You will be fine to improve your 1-200s. Improving math and writing portions would be the greatest ways to raise the SAT score in my opinion. Assuming you are a native English speaker, you should not have too much trouble reading and writing.But if you really have no time, do a practice test and find out which topics hold your score, then use Khan to deal with those. Or if you have a book, just do the part you got wrong. It is unnecessary for me to do the part I have mastered.

And if you are motivated, try to do past SATs every 1-2 weeks. Looked up which topic got you the most wrong, and once you know that, you'll know where to improve.

If you need past SAT tests, try Reddit's search for "SAT" and you will find them.


Good luck

3 years ago

Khan academy has free sat questions, if you get them wrong it shows you how to do them and it really helped me, as I said it's free and it's super useful so I would definitely take advantage of that.

3 years ago

There are several options to explore when trying to improve your SAT score. Taking many practice tests, Tracking your study time or purchasing some SAT prep books to supplement your studying have all helped. Students have also noted that Khan Academy is a great resource or finding a study buddy who help keep you accountable and motivated.

I'd encourage you to explore this options and see what works best for you and the areas you need to improve.

Hope that helps!

3 years ago

I would definitely take a prep course. I took Ray Dass SAT's course (link in the bottom of this course), and it was extremely helpful. A good course will teach you how to study for the SAT both on your own time and with tutors as well as learn strategies to be able to answer all questions.

If you get a great score on your SAT after the prep course, there is no need to take another one, and I would guide your time towards other things such as extracurriculars and service hours .

Hope this helps!!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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