3 years ago

PSAT scores

What are you guys scoring on October's psat? What qualifies as a good psat score? What scholarship opportunities (other than national merit) come from a good score?

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3 years ago

I would say a good score is probably from a 1420-1520, 1470-1520 probably is like a really good score (considering national merit is generally like 1480-1520). I'm not sure what PSAT scores are looking across the board but I've heard that the national merit range will probably be 221 which means like 1490 (maybe 1480)-1520 range. But besides the national merit program the PSAT doesn't really matter pretty much at all, so I wouldn't worry too much about it if you got national merit or if you don't think you scored too well. Study for the SAT or ACT and do better on that, PSAT is not a big deal at all.


3 years ago[edited]

I got a 1420 on the PSAT which is a good score by most standards. It is a little low since I was hoping to qualify for national merit, but it is what it is. Generally anything in the high 1200's and above is good, but it really depends on your goal for the PSAT. If you are hoping to qualify for national merit, then even a 1420 or a score in the low 1400's might not be enough (even if they're good scores). The PSAT is essentially a practice test for the SAT so what you get on the PSAT can be a decent indication of how you would do on the SAT. All in all the best way to figure out a good PSAT score is by comparing it to your goal for the SAT. If it is above your goal that is great, if not that is fine. I've seen people's scores go up by over 100 points because they really worked and studied hard for it. I included a link to a conversion chart to switch between the two, but there should also be a predicted score range on the score report that you get from the college board. Good luck with everything! Remember that your score can fluctuate a lot so just do your best to prepare and don't stress out about it too much! https://scholarships360.org/college-admissions/psat-to-sat-score-conversion-predict-your-score/


3 years ago

Basically national merit is the only reason for the psat


3 years ago

I actually scored 20 points lower on my PSAT this year versus my sophomore year, I'm a little bummed out since my score was only 950 but good luck to you! I hope your scores get you good opportunities:)


3 years ago

An okay score is 920-1000. A "good" score is in the 1150 range, but it also depends on the college. A score in the 90th percentile would be 1280 or higher. Depending on your goals, getting at least a good score will be successful for college. If you're wanting to apply to an Ivy League (Harvard for example), then the range is usually around 1420+, which is 90th percentile or higher. If not, then 80th percentile should be your goal.


3 years ago

I got improved 100 points since my freshman year, which I was happy for, but thanks to the D.C. suburb/NOVA kids in my state who keep rAiSiNg ThE sCoReS it's not high enough. It's 1460, and I needed a 1480. So close, yet so far away. ><


3 years ago

I got a 1350. A "good score" is relative - different colleges consider different test scores up to par. If you look at the College Board website, you can see how good your score is in the context of if they think you're on track to be ready for college or not, though. Not sure about scholarship opportunities, but I'd like to know, too!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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