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3 years ago

Hello, trying to decide on what to do in the next couple of years.

Hey there, I am a sophomore in high school, and would like to pursue a major in astronomy in the U.S.

I have collected as much info I could and I wish to take at least 4 AP classes in the coming years. I think my extracurriculars aren't great though I do have many volunteer hours at a couple of places. I am also thinking to start a community and a book club.I know it's gonna be super hard but I feel its still manageable.

What's your say on this? And if I can get any additional info, I would really appreciate. Thanks.

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3 years ago[edited]

Hey @Someoneintheunsafe, I too am planning to major in Astrophysics in the U.S. So, we have that in common. I've done a lot of research regarding the Universities in the U.S. for Astrophysics/Astronomy. 4 AP classes (especially in Physics with good scores in Examinations) for prospective Students like us is more than good enough. Try to keep your grades as high as possible (To be honest, if you're an international student with a rigorous syllabus then a 3.5 GPA is enough). When it comes to Standardized tests, a good score in SAT/ACT is enough to grab the attention of the Universities. If you've not performed well in the tests then you can take the Subject-vise SAT (Physics Recommended) to compensate for that. When you talk about ECs, (That idea of Book Club is amazing) try to get at least 2 outstanding ECs in your bag like authoring a book if you're good at it or an Outstanding Sports player (I personally authored a book). Just to get a better idea of your situation, are you an International Student or a U.S. resident? With my scores, potential, and capability, after a thorough investigation, I've come down to Major Astrophysics in one of these Universities -

Primary Aim: University of Minnesota – Twin Cities | Minnesota and University of Georgia

Secondary Aim: Rutgers University – New Brunswick | Rutgers and University of Wisconsin – Madison | Wisconsin

Backup: University of Arizona and Michigan State University

🎤3 years ago

Yeah! Congrats on getting the book written. I actually have an unfinished draft too, and it would be great. University of Minnesota sounds awesome, all the best and thanks for the info. I hope we get the universities we desire. :)

3 years ago

You have a draft too? That's Amazing! Hope you complete that.

🎤3 years ago

Thank you, I hope I will this year :)


3 years ago

Personally, I think having a few extracurriculars and focusing on those is very important because it will show that you really committed to those EC's and you did more for those few EC's than a bunch of small extracurriculars. The book club sounds great and someone else mentioned an astronomy club which I think will help you a lot because you want to major in astronomy.

🎤3 years ago

Thanks a lot. That's quite right, I need a few extracurriculars under my belt.


3 years ago

Start an astronomy club! If one already exists at your school, look into joining. It will be a great leadership role to have and show your interest in the area.

🎤3 years ago

Totally! I come from a sub urban area, so unfortunately it doesn't in my school. But I am thinking of starting one. Thanks.


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