3 years ago

Got a CollegeBoard email titled "Take the Digital SAT: Get a Free SAT and an Additional $25!"

It says if I take this digital SAT in April, I can send my score to colleges, receive a refund for my SAT fee, and get a $25 bonus. I signed up to take the SAT in June, but the email says I must take it in March or May, so I submitted a question about that to customer support, asking if I could at least take it in late May, post-AP exams. Thoughts?

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3 years ago[edited]


I got the same email, and I registered for it bc why not! It's not a scam, it took me to the actual College Board website to confirm my info. The only difference is that it offered me a refund on my March SAT or a $50 gift card. The Saturday May SAT is on May 7th, so I'm not sure it will work out if you're also studying for AP classes, but maybe it will!

Basically what they're trying to do is test out the new version of the digital SAT that will be offered starting March 2023, which will be digital and have some significant changes.

edit: it is indeed free, I didn't pay anything!

Hope this helped! :)


3 years ago

I think you should try it. I've never heard of college board sending people money to take the test but it might be true. I know a lot of scam emails tend to trick you like venmo sending out an email about free 15 dollars but it was actually legit. They might have sent it out because not as many people take the SAT anymore or they're just trying it out because they said students of class of 2024+ get to take the SAT online instead of paper so it might be a genuine test just to see how well students respond to it. Like how surveys gather participants ya know?


3 years ago


This seems sketchy, please be careful on this, and good luck.

🎤3 years ago

I am worried about that. However, it's not asking me for money, just to register to take the digital SAT if I want. Not sure if that will cost money since it seems experimental.


3 years ago

Hey! I didn't get any such email from college board but to be honest, it would really help if I got an opportunity to write this SAT. As an international student is it safe to assume that it's only available for domestic students?


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