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3 years ago

Hi future Junior I just had a question

I want to try and get into a Ivy League school and I was wondering if this was a good fit for next years schedule. APUSH, AP Lang, AP Comp Sci A, Algebra 2, Physics, French Honors, and random electives. Should I add another AP like AP Stat as I plan to take 5 in Senior year?

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3 years ago[edited]

Hey hey! Your schedule looks great! It's already very rigorous as is, but adding AP Stat to your schedule will show college admissions officers that you are challenging yourself academically (just as long as you don't overwhelm yourself with it!), so I would say go for it if you feel that you can handle it! Colleges, especially Ivy Leagues, like to see that you are consistently taking challenging courses even if it means getting a little lower of a grade. For example, say you've always been an A+ student but you decide to take a class like AP Physics C or AP Calculus BC and get a B+ in the course. Colleges will actually prefer seeing you do a little worse in a harder class rather than taking blow-off classes and getting all A's in them :) I would say take all of the APs you can (including Stat), just as long as you're not overwhelming yourself! Your mental health is much more important :) I hope this helps!

P.S: out of curiosity, what APs are you planning on taking senior year?

🎤3 years ago

AP Lit, AP Gov, AP Chem, AP French, AP Calc AB

3 years ago

Cool! You've definitely got the rigorous courseload Ivies are looking for :)


3 years ago

Hey, your course shows that you really are aiming high. Nevertheless, I would like to take your attention away from it a bit. This are Ivy league we are talking about. You MUST have leadership position, should start you own club and have REAL impact in your school and community.

It is not all about the rigour though they love it. You must also study really hard to get a perfect score on your SAT, cause most if not all Ivy take over 1500 sat score.

If you feel like you want more rigour in your course then do Dual Enrollment and get college level couses for free. It also worth 6 point same as AP/AICE. But over all I thing they are good as they are.


3 years ago

Hello! Next year's coursework looks impressive and very rigorous (3 APs, 1 honor.) As for AP Statistics, I recommend adding the class as long as it won't be overwhelming for you. Hope this helps!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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