2 years ago

should I submit test scores?

Hey friends,

I recently took the SAT for the first time and was super worried about my score as I didn’t study, but to my relief I scored a 1540. This is a great score but I know a lot of schools are test-optional, so I’m not sure if it’s worth submitting my score? Will submitting help my chances at all? Do schools even care about it? For reference my GPA is about 3.9 and by graduation I’ll have completed 4 AP classes and the full IB diploma (6 courses total I believe).

@pizza1082 years ago

If you know the answer, then why ask :/ you know it's a good score and that it won't harm your application in any way

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Obviously, you know that a 1540 is a good score, but you might have to seriously consider whether or not you should submit it, I got a 1520 and my admissions counselor told me that I either had to raise it minimum 30 points or I shouldn't submit to my top choice schools (Brown, Duke, etc). The reasoning behind this was that if your score isn't above the 75th percentile it doesn't really help your application. Now I am not telling you not to submit your score or that it isn't good, but this should be at the bare minimum a serious consideration. Good Luck!

2 years ago

Hi, thank you for asking your question! Our general advice at CollegeVine is that if you have a test score that is greater than the 25th percentile for the schools you are applying to, you should apply with your test score. So for example, Boston University has a 25th percentile score of 1370, so you would apply with a test score.

According to our data analysis of year of data and thousands of students, we have seen that those who submit standardized test scores to historically test optional schools have a 2x increase in chance of admissions over those who don't. So in short, go for it!

2 years ago

I'm not the most experienced but I would say submit the SAT score as it is a great score and test-optional colleges will still look at and consider your SAT/ACT scores during the admission process. You could also try talking to your counselor and asking for their advice.

2 years ago

"...the two colleges tied with the highest [average] SAT score of 1540 are MIT and Caltech." (Source: https://www.number2.com/average-sat-score/)

In other words, congrats!! That's an awesome score, it absolutely won't hurt your chances and at worst, it will be average at these two schools, if you even apply to them.

At other Ivies and top schools, the average SAT is probably the same or lower. Either way, I think submitting your score will at least show you're a strong candidate for most if not all colleges you apply to.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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