2 years ago

Club activity ideas

I’m the president and founder of the Feminist Club at my school, and this school year was our first year as a group. We started off really strong with a lot of people, but they have been dwindling recently due to spring sports, and now that seniors have graduated, a majority of our original club members are gone. Does anyone have any ideas of how we can engage people more and activities we can advertise to the school?

(for context, in the past we’ve done movie nights, volunteering at shelters for pregnant women, taken field trips to museums, and made artwork to hang up around the school)

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2 years ago

If your school doesn’t do this, propose it to the student government, but a lot of schools do a club fair/club rush in September to encourage new students and underclassmen to join clubs. It can get you a ton of new members, which is important to keep the club going after you graduate. As for activities, you can do general activities sponsored by the club, as well as events based around women’s empowerment. My school sells pins and stickers with women’s empowerment sayings like “girl power” but other events you could do:

Movie nights

Game nights

Color runs


Kickball/matball/spikeball tournament

Painting night

Flower/candy grams

Get a speaker to come and talk (women from your community who have cool jobs in journalism, government, medical, etc.)

Positive post it’s/messages in bathrooms

Even little things like decorating your school with posters is a great way to keep your club out there and to brighten peoples days. Good luck!

🎤2 years ago

thank you so much these ideas are AMAZING and i will definitely use them!! seriously can’t thank you enough as i’ve been really struggling with this lately ❤️

2 years ago

of course!! I honestly get some of the best ideas during club brainstorming sessions; supply snacks and sit with your club members in a circle and just bounce ideas off each other. The clubs I’m in have a diverse group of kids with tons of different interests, so there’s always a good mix of sports, arts, and academic related events brought up during brainstorming sessions. Best of luck!


2 years ago

Something else you could consider is having a big event such as a fundraiser for a certain cause related to Feminism. Some ideas include a dance marathon, a 5k walk/run, an event at a local restaurant, or a school-wide campaign (like for women's history month). This way, in the club meetings you can spend a lot of time planning for the events. You can split up into committees like social media, sponsorship, recruitment, treasury, etc. Additionally people not in the club can come to the event, hear about the club and join.

🎤2 years ago

thank you so much these ideas are amazing!!!


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