2 years ago

More Extracurriculars

So, I'm going to be a junior in high school soon and I have a decent amount of extracurriculars for just doing things during freshman and sophomore year but my only real impressive thing for Junior year is varsity cheer. So I need suggestions!

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2 years ago

Join things you’re passionate about! I can list a million clubs and activities and jobs you could do but you need to do things you’re passionate about. If you enjoy science, try science Olympiad or bio/chem club. If you enjoy writing, join the school newspaper. If you enjoy coding, join a computer science class. At the end of the day, you will excel in activities you enjoy and you’ll have fun doing it. Good luck!


2 years ago

If you are interested in sports, you could start a youth summer cheer/sports program where you pass on your knowledge to the next generation. This shows your dedication and passion for cheer and to your community.


2 years ago

Really Anything! It depends what you are interested in. If you're into STEM, you could start a STEM related club and participate in science competitions/clubs. If you are interested in the humanities, you can start a club focused on it that raises money or spreads awareness for a cause. If you're into the arts, do theater, president of drama club or a national honor society. Overall, whatever topics you're interested in you can do competitions. Let me know what you're into and I can provide more suggestions!

🎤2 years ago

So, I'm really into any sport. I'm already a Varsity Cheerleader and I'm the captain of my school's dance team. I currently can't do track or basketball due to the fact that they run into my cheer schedule.

2 years ago

Cool! You could potentially start an outside community cheer group than ran during the summers of the off season of cheer (i'm not exactly sure of the scheduling for that kind of that thing). You could start a sports club/podcast at your school that runs during the day, that would clear up some afternoon time. Good luck!


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