2 years ago

college essay

im a rising senior in high school (yay!) meaning that college application season will soon be upon me. i've began to think of what to do for the college essay, and I either (a) can't think of anything or (b) shoot down any of my ideas. i know people say the essay doesn't have to be about a huge, life-changing moment in your life, however i just can't think of anything to write about. also on that note, i can't think of anything big or small to write about. i literally can't think of anything special or unique about myself that can work for this essay. and since it's such a huge deal, it makes it 100000x more stressful for me. thoughts? ideas? tips?

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2 years ago

I don’t know anything about you so I can’t really tell what would be best, but here are some tips:

Take 10 minutes and a blank piece of paper, and just write down things that come to mind. Go through your entire life, from your earliest memory to right now. Write moments you remember, big or little, sad or happy. If you can find something that impacted you, like a parent who measured your height on a doorframe every birthday thats still in your house today, or you moved away from your childhood best friend last year, or one of your parents or relatives died. Whatever it may be, get it out. Connect the dots. Think about what makes you, you! There has to be something there. What motivates you? What’s changed you? What inspires you?

Also ask your friends and family what the first memory of you comes to mind when they think of you. They might see you in a different light than you do, and jog your memory.

You could even write about how you feel like an inanimate object. Or how you feel like hen you wake up in the morning for school. Or how you so want to be done with college applications. Or how you have no clue what to write for this essay.

It doesn’t matter what you write about, it’s how you write it. Make it YOU. I know that answer was pretty broad, but you’ve got this.

Good luck :)


2 years ago

Hello Paige, I am on the same boat as you and asked my friends who have gotten expected are going to Stanford and Yale and have gotten expected to other Iv schools. These are the tips and ideas they gave me!


1) Make sure your passionate about whatever you write. It should be easy to write a draft and the ideas should glow easily.

2) The colleges want a lot of details! Try to make the read visualize what your writing so that they can feel it and connect with it!

3)Any accomplished or personal statement you write about should not contradict any other part of your application or be said more then once

4) Brain storm! They used something called (Essence Object Exercise) they’re should be a video explaining how to do this. Or you can brain storm around these questions. You can ask other around you to answer as well.

“Who Am I?”

“Why Am I Here?”

“What is Unique About Me?”

“What Matters to Me?”

5) Start Early and let other peer review

6) lastly and most importantly this essay should clearly be in your voice. Be very original and authentic to yourself. Everything should connect back to you and your life.


1) How a animal, plant, or object represents you. For example one of them choose to write about themselves as if they’re a tree. Because she felt that a tree represented her life well.

2) write about a movement or debate your passionate about. And how it affects you, how you want to change it, how to fix it etc.

3) I promise your life has something interesting or relatable. Write about a problem or struggle you have had and how it changed or affected you. You could write about social media and it’s affect on you for example.

4)Write about a failure or loss you have had

5)Write about how you have changed or challenged your previous worldview. What happens? Why?

6)Write about being a adult and your fears, or the moment you think you change from a chicks to young adult.

7) write about or around a favorite book, movie and why you love it so much and how it connects to your life.

8)write about life goals, not just about career and family but about how you want to change in the future.

9)write about your community or about america in general. Do you think they are good people. Do you think they/we are improving or going in the right path.

10) Tell us the best and worst advice you’ve ever gotten. Who told you? Why is it the best or worst?

11) How other perceive vs how you perceive yourself

Long story short what’s most important is the emotion and attitude the essay gives. After reading the essay the people around you should feel they know you a bit better.


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