2 years ago

Advice on ecs (2)

So after seeking initial advice regarding my extracurriculars, I've come to a conclusion that I should do what I love! Thus, I've realised that one thing I love is community service. I like to participate in underprivileged schools teaching programs, and would like to indulge in environmental services too. Other than this, I wish to study psychology too in my A levels, and make an ngo regarding mental health to remove the taboo around it. These are basically just 2 things which I'm passionate about. So, if I indulge in them and stay consistent for 2/3 years, will it be worth it for college applications, as at the same time I'll be doing something I love but at the same time I'm a little confused too as these are only 3 ecs and people usually do more.

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2 years ago

That sounds fantastic! Colleges love to see community service on your transcript, and I am sure they would love to see the other two things as well (I don’t know much about them however, only community service since I do that myself:). You could volunteer at your church, your school, your library, your pool. Really, the opportunities are endless, as are the scholarships you can win for doing so. Further, I don’t do any extracurriculars besides science fairs and community service, and that is fine! Do what you love, and nobody can fault you for that! (Besides, colleges LOVE to see interesting extracuriculars that are delved deeply into. It doesn’t matter if you have one or twenty. What matters is how good you are at them.)

Best of luck to you!

🎤2 years ago

Means so much, thank u! Really boosted me


2 years ago

Hey. That sounds really cool! Just before you get into this, there are a few things you need to make sure you're mindful of. 1. Doing what you love is amazing and encouraged but please, make sure you don't let your activities come before your health. 2. Don't make my mistake and start neglecting your grades. That being said, grades aren't everything. 3. Take advantage of your school and communities resources. Especially since you want to start an NGO, make sure you have people that can guide you through this path. The Rotary Club has training programs for youth looking to make a difference. They are very helpful.

T.L.D.R: Take Care of yourself and be aware of helpful resources

🎤2 years ago

Will surely keep that in mind!


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