2 years ago

Scheduling Question

Hello, I am a rising Junior and plan on majoring in Public Heath, Biochemisty, or Neuroscience. However, I am having trouble deciding which classes I should be taking (which ones colleges will find more attractive). My top colleges are UT Austin, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, UMichigan Ann Arbor, Texas A&M, and UNC Chapel Hill


Question 1: AP Statistics or Dual Credit Precalculus

Both are College level math classes, but I don't know which one will be more beneficial for me and college goals, or which class will be more attractive to colleges. Both are college level math classes but the content is very different. Personally I want to take AP Statistics because it's more applicable to real life and it sounds interesting to me. I'm ok with taking dual credit precalculus as well but I'm told that it's significantly harder. I would take Honors Precalculus but my high school only offers Dual Credit Precalculus and Level Precalculus. Can anyone tell me which math class would be more beneficial to me, and more attractive to colleges


Question 2: Elective Questions

I am currently enrolled in my schools health science academy and there are required classes we have to take. As a Junior, I am required to take Health Science Theory, and at least one AP STEM course OR a health science academy course. As a prospective premed/pre-pharmacy student (haven't decided yet, I love chemistry but I want to see patients in a clinical setting) I want to either take AP Biology/AP Chemistry or Pathophysiology/Anatomy and Physiology. I personally want to take Patho/A&P because they are more specialized medical classes and I really want to learn more about medicine. However, I am aware that colleges really like future STEM majors to take AP STEM classes. I love chemistry and am willing to take AP Chem and am also willing to take AP Bio as well. Patho/A&P are both Dual Credit and not AP obviously. Which will be more beneficial to me as a Premed/prepharm student and which will colleges want to see more?


P.S. - This is my schedule:

AP English Language

AP Stats / DC Precalc

Honors Physics

Dual Credit US History

Health Science Theory (required)

AP Chemistry / DC A&P

AP Biology / DC Pathophysiology


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I'd go with Dual Credit precalc if you're planning on taking AP Calculus at some point, since you probably will need that for your intended major, but AP Stats is also helpful for science majors, so it's really up to you. If you think you can transition into AP Calc AB without precalc for your senior year, then go with stats, but if not, take precalc because calc is probably more useful (they'll make you retake statistics for your major anyways in college most likely).

As for your science courses, I'd go with the APs. I know the DC courses would help you gain more insight into your intended field, but AP courses are more readily understood and accepted by universities in terms of credit and rigor. Plus, if you do really well on the exams, it gives college admissions officers more confidence in your ability to succeed at their school.

But again, at the end of the day, it's up to you. Good luck and I'm sure you'll be fine in whatever choice you end up making :)

2 years ago

As long as you show that you are challenging yourself, AP or DC does not really matter. If your school is going by quarter, I'd recommend DC pre-calc cause in that way you can learn all calculus concept needed to pass the AP calc test in a year (at my state, Calc II covered everything you need to know up to AP calc BC), comparing to two years of study through regular AP classes. Then take AP stat in your senior year. However, that means DC classes will go A LOT faster, so make sure you can handle a class pace like that before you sign up. If you need a longer time to understand some concept, then DC might not be the best option for you.

2 years ago

To answer your first question, I recommend choosing AP Stats. Taking any math class at an AP level will demonstrate enough rigor as a prospective pre-med student, and AP Stats is the most relevant math class you can take.

When it comes to your electives, taking AP Chem and one of the DC medicine courses would a good balance for you. You would be able to study chemistry, one of your favorite subjects, while having some AP rigor and leaning into your medical specialization as well. Hope this helps!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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