2 years ago

My grades dropped a little my second semester of junior year. Can I still get into top colleges?

I got straight A’s my sophomore year and slipped a little during my second semester of junior year. Which honestly might be the worst thing for me as I was initially aiming for schools such as UMich UC Berkeley (reaches), UCSD, etc. and top 30 liberal arts colleges- Smith, Hamilton, Wellesley, Scripps etc.

My accumulative weighted GPA is a 4.0 and 3.85 unweighted.

Considering going test optional since I can’t seem to get my scores up :(

I had a weighted GPA of 4.02 my first semester, but it dropped to a 3.88. I unfortunately got one B in Regular pre-calc and 1 A and 3A- in honors/AP, and 1 A in arts.

Our school only allows a total of 4 honors/APs per year and some courses are limited to grade levels. No A+ either. (I go to a college prep boarding school)

I will make sure to get it up my senior year with 4 APs-(max I can take) although yes, it might be too late. And I know colleges look at many other factors then just grades but just with this stat, how bad does this look?

My only excuse is that my mental health wasn’t that great this year due to high school bs, and I started developing anxiety (noticeable minor frequent panic attacks)-which I never had before so I didn’t know how to deal with it. I am not diagnosed, I should’ve sought out for help but I realized that everyone around me dealt with it too. And I’m guessing it’s a pretty sad excuse to colleges too.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Your courses and GPA are already outstanding and admissions officers will take into account that your school only allowed 4 AP/Honors per year. Although colleges do not ONLY look at GPA and grades! Be sure you have clubs, sports, and community service to strengthen your application!

2 years ago

Hi Ipsumloren123, you might have felt that your grades dropped down significantly since you had much higher grades in sophomore years, however, I think the grades you have in junior year are still quite impressive. Also take into account your SAT scores, extra-curricular activities, volunteer, sports, etc.

Also, if you are able to improve your grades in your senior year, I believe it will be obvious for college admission officers to notice that something must've happened during your 2nd semester of the junior year which resulted in comparatively lower grades.

Hope that was helpful, and I hope you will ace your senior year! :)

~ Prasie

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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