2 years ago

Any suggestions for how to study for the SAT?

Hello. I'm trying to find ways on how to study for the SAT, which I have in December. I've been studying on Khan Academy since June, but it's not really helping (I'm actually doing worse...). I don't have money to purchase an SAT course or book or to retake the SAT more than once... If anyone has any suggestions like how to study, read the passages, time management on the exam, or any other ideas/strategies please let me know. Or if anyone knows of any other free resources to study with (other than Khan) please mention them!

Thanks for any and all help given :)

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2 years ago

Hey there! A fellow junior here! These two months I have been prepping for SAT and I have seen significantly great improvements on my SAT practice and study habits. Here's how you can practice for SAT without wasting any money on a tutor or SAT courses:

1) Practice old SAT tests which can be easily found on College Board (this is what I use to practice for SAT and it's extremely helpful.) There are so many pros: They have 10 different SAT practice tests from previous years and the best part is that after you finish each SAT test set, you can score your SAT by comparing your answers with the answer key provided and based on your performance you can see how much score you gained in each section.)

2) Set Alarms, Google calendar reminders, or whatever helps you to stay focused! It's very important to consistently practice for SAT! If you have a very tight schedule, then make it a habit to do at least 10-20 saT questions every day, that will surely help.

3) It is not only important to STUDY for SAT but also to check what topics are your strengths and weaknesses. Put them down on a google doc or a sheet of paper and every time you finish a set of SAT practice, go back and check which topics you need to focus on. For instance, for me I found out that I need to focus on the circles for Math section.

4) There are plenty of youtube videos on SAT practice tips/tricks and strategies so check them out as well. Track your SAT progress. For reading section, focus on your pacing, read books, and try to understand the overall theme of the passage.

5) Last but not least, don't stress a lot! SAT is quite tough but remember you are tougher than it! take breaks in between SAT studying, and most importantly don't get discouraged by a few SAT practice failures...they are just a proof that you are trying. You will eventually get there! :)

~ Prasie

🎤2 years ago

Thank you so much for the support. Really, all of your suggestions are wonderful and I'm going to try them!


2 years ago

Hey, I would recommend looking at local libraries for SAT test prep books. Also look into fee waivers with your school if you decide you want to take the SAT more than once. Lastly, if you took the PSAT, I recommend looking at your score and pin pointing your weaknesses. Go over those topics thoroughly by watching youtube videos. Hope I was able to add on to the help!


2 years ago


This has actual SAT tests from the past years. This will give you more relevant practice than any other resource(online courses or practice books).

Hope this helps!

🎤2 years ago

Thank you so much for this link! I like how it gives more than just ten, I think it'll really help me.

2 years ago

Glad it helped!

Another thing is that Khan Academy and other sites gives practice tests, but this one has the actually administered tests. I myself gave the SAT last year and testify the given material as authentic.

🎤2 years ago

Oh my goodness you are awesome! Thank you so much for this resource!!


2 years ago

If you have access to a printer that doesn't cost you a ton of money (parent's work, school), I would recommend doing the printable versions and going to the library and doing it in one sitting like an actual SAT. It's going to suck (since it's like the actual SAT) but it'll really help you. It also relieves some stress about it. Also, the good news for you is that since you're a junior and doing it so soon, you can do it as many times as you want up until when your college apps are due, so don't put so much pressure on yourself to do it perfectly the first go. Good luck!

🎤2 years ago

Thank you so much for the support... I wish I could take it more than once but I can't, which is why I'm kinda stressing... I will definitely try the library approach though.


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