2 years ago

I know my GPA doesn't reflect who I am, and I don't know what colleges I would belong or be accepted too, please help?

I am a high school Junior who struggled with major family issues, mental health issues, and all the inbetween. Due to all the stresses of my issues as well as having to move to a new place, my grades dropped but do not reflect exactly who I am. It is currently at a 3.1 uw and these are a few of my extracurriculars -

- Varsity Golf

- JV Crosscountry

- Founder and President of Filipino American Club

- Board Member Car Enthusiast Club

- Board Member Cultural Awareness Club

- Filipino Mental Health Movement Volunteer

- California Scholarship Federation

- Part-Time 20 Hour A week Job

- 3 colleges courses

- Created fashion brand and business

- interned as a creative director for a clothing production company with +500k in sales

- 1340 PSAT and taking SAT next month

These are a few of my extracurrcis

Does anyone know what colleges I would be in the running for?

@Kylee_20242 years ago [edited]

I completely understand where your coming from honestly ive had family issues my sophomore and jr year so i get it :). And Im struggling with the same struggles. It will get better just keep your head up. :) you got this !

[🎤 AUTHOR]@dendenmilktea2 years ago

thankyou!! you too:D were in this together

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I’m no expert but one little tidbit to consider is that in my home state, resident students with a pretty good GPA (3.0 and up I think) and who have the required number of core classes have “assured admission” I think that’s what it’s called, where you almost certainly will get in, so check out some of your in state colleges, they can provide some really cool opportunities (and are often more affordable), so if you’re looking for good colleges you could potentially attend without being a flawless student don’t overlook state schools as safety/target schools on your list. Just my first thoughts.

2 years ago

I don't know about colleges, but you seem like you have a really good essay possibility. If you talk of all your hard work and sacrifice in various extracurriculars, and life issues, colleges will see that and view you as a person of high integrity and work ethic, despite your GPA. Also your SAT might make up for any GPA disparities. Just do your best on that, and start working on essays.

2 years ago

CollegeVine's chancing engine will give you the most accurate estimates for your admissions chances. You can enter your academic stats and ECs into the system. Hope this helps!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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