2 years ago

An International Student switching the curriculum from ICSE to State for the junior and senior year of high school.

I had to change my curriculum from ICSE to State because of some reasons. Will this really affect my admission chances to the top schools?

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2 years ago

Hi there friend...there maybe some affect on your chances but you can always give a standardized test like SAT, ACT, IELTS, TOEFL, etc. These are accepted by colleges around the world. So maybe if they don't consider your GPA in State board they will definitely consider the scores fo these tests.


2 years ago

Unfortunately, yes. The general consensus among universities abroad is that State curriculum is inferior to CBSE and ICSE. In fact, a few universities (mainly United Kingdom) don't even accept State boards as 'official' educational boards. Since the change is already done and pretty much irreversible, I suggest self-studying for AP exams, if you can afford paying for each exam, that is. If you can afford them, go ahead, enroll for the exams at a school that offers them. This will be the best way to prove to the Admission Officers that you are capable of handling tough coursework.


2 years ago

ICSE curriculum is the most rigorous curriculum in India, followed by CBSE, and then the state boards. If you're planning to apply to universities abroad, ICSE would have been a better choice. You should be able to justify your decision to switch to state curriculum in your application.

Most international students applying to universities in the USA will be from ICSE and CBSE, so you'll be at a disadvantage compared to them. Since you've already switched curriculums, it won't really be feasible to reverse that at this point of time. If you are aiming for top schools abroad, one thing you can do is give an SAT (if you don't have financial constraints). This can give the admissions officers an additional basis to consider when comparing your application with that of those from other boards. Building your extracurricular profile will be helpful too!

Hope this helps!

Hope this helps!


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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