2 years ago

what are some easy extracurriculars i can do in less than an year which will help me get into the ivies?

i'm a junior, trying to build my portfolio and currently do not have enough extracurriculars. I'm not worried about my test scores or GPA. my school doesn't offer APs so I'm doing 3 from outside resources and plan to give the exams in may. i have done one internship, worked on the school newspaper for two years and frequently do some community service but that's basically it.

i play the guitar, read a lot of books and even do some art but i'm not sure as to how to turn them into strong extracurriculars. i also play badminton but i'm not on the school team or anything

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4 answers

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2 years ago

Depending on which school you go to there could be an extracurricular for drama and I know you didnt say anything about being interested in theatre or drama or acting or anything but that would be a very easy and fun extracurricular to do wether its you actually acting or if you do stage/tech crew.

Another option could be a book club. if your school dosent have one, you could start one as long as you have enough people and at least one teacher as a 'supervisor' for the group. id say most english teachers would love to assist with that. and it would look good on a college resume.

and if your school has an art club or anything id recommend joining that.

Also i write for my school newspaper then i started being in creative writing club and it was amazing id recommend joining that if your school has one of those clubs and if not, make one. im sure any english teacher would love to help with that as well.

2 years ago

Here is a list of over 900 extracurricular ideas to inspire you! Self-led activities that you can participate in online or at home will be the easiest to fit into your time frame. Besides that, make sure that several of your activities relate to your spike. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

There's really no short-term extracurriculars worth putting on a college resume, considering the 10 slots you get and the need to demonstrate a spike, excluding selective summer programs. I say selective because there's many "pay-to-play" opportunities you can easily blow cash on and have fun at but aren't worth putting on your application. Internships or volunteering could work too, as long as you clearly fill your summer with something. But at this point it's hardly worth joining a new club or trying to start your own initiative from scratch.

2 years ago

Hi @slaybro!

The only new extracurricular you can possibly do in the next 5 months to get you into Ivies is filling out the application. No joke intended; there's no magical extracurricular that you can begin a couple of months before applying that can help you get into the Ivies. It'll do you more harm than good because admissions officers will realize you're doing a particular extracurricular just to get in.

The only things that can help you are the ones you've been doing for quite some time (at least a year). I'm not discouraging you from applying to Ivies, but you should try to make a practical list of colleges including some that aren't very selective.

Hope this helps!

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