2 years ago

How important is it for me to have a major in mind?

I've been struggling recently with the prospect of choosing a major, especially in situations such as college board or even this website asking what major I'd like to study. For the longest time, I wanted to study either journalism or some sort of graphic design -- however, as of recent, my mind has changed to maybe majoring in some sort of biomedical or bioinformatics study (but definitely not med school that is too expensive) and then potentially getting a minor in graphic design? Given my indecisiveness and ever-changing mind, I don't feel all too confident that this thesis is right for me, but I still want to have something to put down on the paper when I'm asked what I want to study. I mainly would just like to know any insight on how your choice of major as a junior changes the way colleges see you, and the way websites like this are able to share or interpret one's data. Thanks!

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2 years ago

I feel the exact same way. How I've narrowed my search is by figuring out exactly what I DON'T want to do. Everything I refuse to do no matter what and then working from there. knocked off entire subjects simply because I don't want to write a thesis. I also hate dangerous or physically active jobs.


2 years ago

A lot of Community Colleges offer classes specifically for undecided majors. They bring in a bunch of people, and it's like taking samples of a bunch of different careers. If you want to find something before you start applying, definitely start there. Like @Camryn said, I would also start by figuring what you don't want to do. You don't need to have your mind completely made up yet, but if you have a general idea of where you want to end up (business, medical field, construction, law, politics, research, teaching, counseling, etc.) it would be a great stepping stone.


2 years ago

It may help to think about your perspective career and work backwards from there. Also think about what you would want to do each major you're thinking about. Doing research about the careers is also something that could help you. Taking personality test like the Myers-Briggs Test may help you to get to know yourself. Something to consider is direct admit into programs/schools/colleges within a university when applying which is something that can be hard to switch into.


2 years ago

my advice is find out for sure what you want to do before you pay for college. because if you choose a major and you don't like sometimes you could change majors but most people drop out of college.


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