2 years ago

AP Physics or AP French?

I'm currently working on my class registration for next year, and am unsure what class I should take (I only have 1 more spot in my schedule). My school only requires 3 science classes and 2 foreign language classes, and I've fulfilled both requirements (I've also taken 3 full years of science electives-- not sure if that counts for anything).

Is it more important to have 4 years of science or 4 years of a foreign language?

Additional info - I plan on majoring in English, I've been recommended by my teachers for both classes, and I'm not particularly strong in either subject but better at French.

AP French
AP Physics
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2 years ago

AP Physics 1 is a brutal class if you aren't into it or have little to no background knowledge. I fell into both categories when I took it - I got a B in the class, but a 1 on the exam, which has the lowest pass rate out of all AP exams for this reason. I wouldn't burden yourself with such a class as a senior. Meanwhile, French will just be expanding on what you already know, since I imagine you've been taking French for at least a few years and are ready for the AP level. Like the other person said, you really don't need physics for a non-STEM major, and even though many high schools only require 2 years of a foreign language to graduate, it's best to stick with one all 4 years if you can.


2 years ago

i say take ap french because you aren't going into engineering. if you wanted to go into engineering, take ap physics for sure. also, if you are extremely interested in physics, then take it. but ultimately, ap french is the way to go because it shows colleges you are committed to learning a language to an ap level, and that you have interest in language, which is great for an english major


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