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2 years ago

Should I take AP lit?

Right now I'm taking AP lang and I like it, but I have a B in the class. I'm working on my schedule for next year and am wondering if I should take AP lit or not. I HATE reading, I will literally work my way around anything to not read an entire book. But, I tend to be kinda good at it? I think I'm good at reading analysis, but anything else, I hate it. Reading is like my enemy, and reading literature is a whole other sort of hate for me. But, I want to go to a T30 school, and think that a drop from AP lang to 12th grade english will be bad. Do I take it just to take it and possibly get a B or do I keep the A and keep me more sane and take 12th grade English?


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hey @dancer3270!

From what I’ve heard AP Lang and AP Lit are pretty different classes. Lang focuses on more grammar and writing especially whereas AP Lit is more analyzing different texts. Point being I think you could get an A in AP Lit especially since you say you are good at reading analysis which is a big part of AP Lit. Even though you hate reading you could use spark notes or website of other sorts to give you a bit of summary.

Since you want to go to a T30 school, I would definitely recommend taking AP Lit since the drop in rigor wouldn’t look the greatest for those T30 schools. Rigor is one of the best things that will boost your application to these top tier universities.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

As someone who is taking AP Lit right now, it's a pretty easy class. It mostly focuses on poetry and short stories, but there is a few novels, so you might have to push yourself to read those. It's a lot of reading analysis and a few essays/research papers. Overall, I definitely recommend the course as an easier AP. My teacher had us buy a copy of How to Read Literature like a Professor and take notes on it to help with the curriculum. Hope this helps.

2 years ago

from what ive heard, ap lit is the kind of class where faking it till you make it doesnt really work anymore. if you haven't read the book, your grades will show that.

i think it's just a question of whether or not youre willing to put in that reading work. if yes, then go for it. if no,

if you still wanna take an ap english course, id recommend ap seminar. im in it right now, and it's very research heavy, lots of argumentative and presentation stuff. if that's more up your alley then go ahead.

2 months ago

I am in the same spot as you, I'm currently taking AP language and I'm personally planning on taking AP lit next year, because for one, the college credit would be worth it if you can pass the exam. Second, it's good preparation for other college level classes. Especially if you're good at reading analysis already you might as well get it out of the way. Plus it'll look good on your resume if you're planning on going to a T30 school.

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