2 years ago

Choosing Courses

Would it be better to take a lot of AP courses in senior year but leave out courses like music or other opportunities? I want to go to highly competitive colleges but I struggle giving up courses that interest me. What would you recomend?

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2 years ago

I think it’s a bit of a balance. You want to take a rigorous course load because colleges see what classes you take and don’t want you to slack off your senior year. If you could share a list of what you are planning to take that would be helpful

🎤2 years ago

The AP course options I’m interested in are AP Lit, AP environmental Science, AP Psyche, AP Music Theory, AP Calculus AB, and possibly AP Bio. But for required courses I have to take a year of English (AP lit is an option), a capstone engineering course, economics, and a Language course. I’ve been apart of my schools music program through Honors orchestra and Jazz band (Jazz band being a zero hour) in which both would offer me scholarships when I graduate. My school has 8 periods, 9 including zero hour. Thank you so much for your help!

2 years ago

I think 6-7 classes is an ideal number for senior year. You need to remember that you’ll also be applying to upwards of 10 colleges (probably) and that will take a lot of time. I would try to get a study hall if I were you so you can do all your homework during then and maybe work on extracurriculars/sports/college essays after school. Point being, be careful with your choices. It’s okay to take a lot of AP classes but make sure you can handle the course load and get good grades. If I were you I’d take AP Lit, AP Calc AB, AP Music Theory, APES or Pysche idk about both. Ideally try to take 5 APs and maybe one other less strenuous course. I hope this helps!

🎤2 years ago

Thank you so much for your help!!


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