2 years ago

Is what I am doing enough?

I am a junior currently and super stressed about getting into a college I want. I really want to go to UC Davis but I am afraid my grades are holding me back. I would have been close to an unweighted 3.8 if it were not for advanced math. Last year I took honors math 3/pre calc and got C's for half of the year. This year I am in AP Calc AB and I am on track to have C's for the class this year as well. Other than that, I feel pretty good about my grades and the amount of APs I am taking. I want to be accepted into the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at UCD and am not sure that AP math is even a requirement. I volunteer weekly at my local library, I am a trail monitor volunteer at my city persevere, and I volunteer for an elementary school PTA. I am in dual enrollment as well, and plan to have taken 6 classes finished by the time I apply for college and work on 2 more my senior year. I am also struggling to figure out if I should take AP Calc BC next year because I'm worried I'll be stress/still get C's, but if I drop down to regular statistics (or AP Stats, but those are my only other options) I think it will look bad that I did not take the highest level possible ("most rigorous" I believe is a standard for UCs). Does anyone have any suggestions or know if it is even possible for me to get UCD at this point?

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2 years ago

hi mia

i don't believe taking calc BC after AB will be super helpful to you. people usually don't do this because the syllabi are quite similar. if i were you i would try to bring the C up and take something else next year. you mentioned AP statistics, but do you need another math credit or could you replace the class with another subject entirely? that would be the best bet.


2 years ago

If you end up with two C's on your transcript, it will be possible for you to get accepted to UCD, but it will turn into a reach rather than a safety/target. Try to get A's in all your other classes in order to make up for those math grades, and take AP Stats instead of AP Calc BC - the higher likelihood of a good grade will help you much more than a slight drop in rigor will hurt you. Hope this helps!


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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