2 years ago

Does it look bad if I quit my club sport Junior year?

For context, I have been a competitive swimmer since I was 5 years old. My times are fast, but I am not nationally ranked. I am not trying to get recruited but I have gotten offers from some schools that I am not really interested in. I recently had to quit for mental health reasons, and because I go to a very elite and competitive high school— I just couldn't balance it anymore I guess.

Here's some of the things I am also doing:

-4 AP's this year (Junior), 1 AP + 4 Honors Sophomore year, and 3 AP's +2 Honors + Independent Study for Senior year

-varsity school swim team (we won Division 3 CIFs in Southern California last year)

-National History Day state finalist

-Girl Scout Gold Award

-National Charity League member

-published research

-3.9 unweighted GPA, I think about a 4.1 or 4.2 weighted GPA

-finalist of Le Grand Concours (national French competition)

-34 ACT score

Based on this, would I get into a school like Northwestern or Georgetown without my club swim team? Again, I don't think I am good enough to be recruited but I thought it showed commitment and time management (because I literally did it for like 12 years). This is really freaking me out please help

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2 years ago

I think your are more than qualifed, and don't stress out too much. I agree that it shows commitment and time management but, as I was reading your list, I saw that won many awards which also takes commitment and time management as well.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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